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Live access to The Understanding NIL "Must-Haves" virtual workshops (also available to registrants on demand post-workshop)
Participation in live workshop activities
Walk-through step-by-step NIL action items (business, legal, marketing, and financial)
Discuss real-life financial situations
Live Question + Answer session (results also emailed to registrants on demand post-workshop)
A list of best practices
BONUS: One free Pursuit NIL Financial Checklist
Limited Spots Available
We will only take the first 50 registrants. Thank you.
Registration - Payment
Please pay Via Paypal below or Venmo @PursuitSportsGroup
$35.00 NIL - single workshop

$115.00 NIL - all four workshops (save $25)

$275.00 NIL NIL + Financial Step-by-Step Manual
(save $100.00, price increase to $375 after June 30

Registration - Participant Details
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